Les enseignants invités de l'ESEN: M. Yamen Koubaa de Brest Business School

Les enseignants invités de l'ESEN: M. Yamen Koubaa de Brest Business School
  • Jeudi le 02/05/2019

Les enseignants invités de l'ESEN: M. Yamen Koubaa de Brest Business School

Dans le cadre du cours "Environnement International du Business", les étudiants en 1ère année Mastère E-Business de l'ESEN ont eu l'occasion de bénéficier d'une formation de pointe dans le domaine du Business International donnée par le professeur invité M. Yamen Koubaa de Brest Business School.

Vous trouverez ci-joint une brève biographie de M. Yamen ainsi que l'objectif de son intervention à l'ESEN.


Yamen Koubaa is an associate professor of marketing and international business at Brest Business School, France. He holds a PhD in Marketing Sciences from the University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences, Japan. Dr. Koubaa served as a visiting faculty to many universities in Europe and Asia. His research interests lie in export management, olfactory marketing and behavioral data analytics.

Course outlook

The course “Environnement International du Business” is an introductive course to international business theories and practices. It starts with a discussion of the various theories underlying international business practices. Then, practical cases of foreign expansion management are discussed, and export management techniques reviewed and applied to real-like cases of food export. The course prepares students to international business responsibilities such as export manager, zone manager, international marketing manager and head of subsidiary.

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